It is Shwu Huey's birthday yesterday..
She received abundant of presents!!!
I never receive so much present like her in my entire life..
1 lucky little girl.. Hehe..
Check the detail in JY's blog..
It would be boring for me to repeat the same thing..
All the best for me..
This month many things happen..
Schooling days are much more better than boring holidays!!
The Day I Went to Shopping.. .
Ayam, itik, lembu atau BABI pun ada!! Mari mari!!
We went to play this sweet machine..
Lots of sweets.. We used RM 2 to win <>
I steal these cute shih-tzu pictures from my cousin.. XD
Is her bf's doggy..
That's all for today..
Thank you very much..
2 weeks more, exam is coming..
Wee~ Wait die..
Going the undang taklimat with JJ.. ~~