Ello~ Here I am again~
Am being a good girl updating my baby (blog) so often these days~ Hehe..
Brace yourself, this post will be long, boom-ed with photos~
Honestly, I feel happier these days~
But, time is still not enough for me..
Busy girl~ Ahem *cough* Busy Princess~ XD
Perasan betul! Haha~

SS-ed with KT in Library~
I was on the phone with Sharon Lee~ Not acting, okay?
I'm enjoying my uni life~ Loving it~ Hehe..
But, uni is stressful~ NOOOO T.T
Oh ya, btw~
I'm going Sabah this June break~! OMG~
I'm so excited!!
And someone said that he will bring me go Negeri Sembilan for food~
You gonna do that right? Haha~
Or else, beware of your head~!!
Don't make me say the below sentence to you~
And you gonna say, no no no, Your Majesty Princess, Please NOOOO~
And then will cry out loud! Wohohoho!
Ahem *cough*, sorry, gone bit crazy~
Too stressful.. Sigh..
Especially Psychology.. Driving me crazy..
Oh oh oh, and and and, pwease pwease pwease~
I want get good good good result this sem..
Please, all HD! I know I'm greedy~
Plus, I didn't study and all.. Sigh..
I think it's impossible..

Actually I dunno what's the point of me writing this post..
Err, nothing much happened I supposed?
Err, I went out a lot, had lots of fun..
Yet, feel that it's not enough, and can't stop wanting to go shopping..
Sigh.. I pk max this month.. Dare not imagine!
Must diet, I must diet!
But my plan keeps failing~
Actually really is me who is not doing all plans.. Sigh..
Fated to be a fat lady~ T.T Nooo~
Opps, I'm feeling hungry again.. Sigh..

Yiks, aliens~ LOL
Great, I'm stuck..
I keep wanting myself to complete this fast and move on to my report..
I even dreamed of reports!! Terrible~
Being late for class quite often these days..
I dunno why~ Too tired?

♥ Love~
Isn't she cute? Hehe~

Do not mess with us, or else~ Ngek ngek~

Teehee ^^

For more photos view from my Facebook larr..
My blog is so dead, nobody even step in anymore I guess~
Never mind, this is my chapter of MY LIFE anyway~
I write these for myself~
I "flipped" through my previously posts~
From last time, few years back I think?
I was damn CHILDISH!
Thinking whether I should remove those posts.. XD
Although I'm still childish now.. LOL
Should I make my blog private..
So that nobody can judge me? =S
I dunno~

Hehe.. Camwhore non-stop..
Pity my friends' iPod and iPhone~
I dominate their iPod and iPhone~ LOL
Last week, we went out!
Chin Li came back from UK! Miss her lots lots lots~
We shall go trip again~ Another cave this time perhaps? Hehe..
I'm sure they miss me screaming to go out! Haha!

Sharon even scarier~ =D
These are things that I wanted to say, but I can't say it in Facebook and Twitter! Argh!
Some people are just so annoying~ Can they stop twitting?
At least don't twit every single minute!! Come on~!
Guys somemore~! Gosh! =.=
Oh! And keep retweet-ing something so meaningless..
Am I too mean? T.T
Facebook, really some people are annoying me and I can't scold them..
Because, the friend of mine, he helped me a lot..
I can't be that mean and ask them to go off, right? Sigh..
KT and Elaine are making fun of me about the guy friend.. =X
I don't want larrr.. T.T
I'm super blur now, I dunno what I'm typing!

Me. Gwennie. Sharon a.k.a Ron Ron
We went to Fong Lye~ Nice restaurant~
Like it!! ^^v

Tha~ Your eyes are too HUGE!!!

Mikun. Enkun~
She is tired~ I know..
It's super duper stressful in IMU~ I know~

Tadaa~ The below photos show the food we ordered~
Too much of reports, I'm writing my blog in a report-writing-manner~
Phew, never know writing this post takes so long time~

I know I know, too much of camwhore..
Can't help it! Hehe~
I realise I got so little NICE photos with Mandy~ T.T
I miss her~
Li Ming is so jealous I went out without her~ HAHA!
I'm just too lovable~ Am I right?

OMG! I'm so shy~ So many ugly photo~
Hiao dao!!! XD
Sharon Lee, Mandy Sze, I get this from you two lo!!! =D

Taiwan Snow~ Btw~
We went to a Taiwanese Restaurant~ XD
It's in Pyramid~
Since Chin Li so craving for Snowflake, so we ordered this..
Replacement XD
It's so yummie~

There are more photos in Facebook, view there~

Happy Ending~ Wee~
Don't you think we are all so sweet?~ Hehe~
PS: I'm smiling btw~
There are ups and downs in our lives and I'm definitely up there~
Please please please~ Don't let me fall? C=
Am still not sure whether or not I'm going to Australia..
I got no confident lar~
And again~ There are a lot of things in my mind now~ As in A LOT!
Hmmm~ *thinking really hard* Errmm~
*SLAM*! Gave up! C=