My A Level T-shirt ( Back ).
I'm now studying in Sunway University College..
Cambridge GCE A Level..
Quite fun I think..
But it is the toughest among all the Pre-U courses..T.T
Have to study really really hard..
I feel like dropping Physics la..
Taking four subjects is like super stressful..
And I'm not the type of person that is really smart..
Plus, I have to catch up with the Jan intake batch..
I think Sun-U is ok la..
At least I don't hate it, yet..
Just that I have no friend in college!!
Wuwuwu.. How pity!!
I get my time table already..
If I didn't drop Physics then I will have really packed schedule and will not have lunch break..
Have to rush to the next class every time the class ends..
On some days then I will have super long break that is 3 hours..
My lord.. What am I gonna do with that 3 hours?!
Saw a few Yu Hua students in Sun-U..
Hsu-Yi, Gan Wai Su, Chan Hua Lim, and of course TXL ==
Wai Su is taking A level with me.. Science too..
At least I'm not totally alone..
Hsu-Yi is in Ausmat and TXL in MUFY and CHL in FIA..
All different..
A Level T ( Front )
Orientation is like super boring!!
Super!! But today is ok la..
The Jan batch came and have some ice breaking session with us and played some games..
Which involve some *tut* words.. XD
Which starts with a S and continue by a H and follow by an I and so on.. =)
My group kinda like, won..
The prizes were.. Each of us gets two sweets.. So lame lar..
I miss Michelle la..
So weird without her..
JJ is going to college soon, in April or even earlier..
The college is in PJ!!!
My buddies are all gone to no where.. T.T
Went to Edu Fair last week..
I found out that Taylor is not as good as I expected..
So were my parents.. So they decided that I should go to Sun-U in the last minute..
Then rushed to register at Sun-U the day before Orientation Day..
I get 2k scholarship only..
At least better than Taylor..
Taylor only offer 1k..
I'm going to Leehom's concert!!
Bought the tickets already!!! Going with PY and Elynn and their friends..
Can't wait!!
I miss Secondary School Life, all the time!!! T.T