Monday 9 April 2012

#random #likeaboss

♥ My heart breaks a little every time you turn away~

Emo much? 
Seriously dunno what is wrong with me! 
I don't want to share too much~
But I have gotta say something or else my brain gonna burst! 
No one wants to see that disgusting scene, I suppose~

I wanted to tell him just, go away and disappear like what you did last time and get over! 
But but but, at the same time, no, I don't want that to happen~ 
And please oh please, don't avoid me!
That's as scary as deadlines! 

BTW, I'm not that into you! R E A L L Y

Maybe I just miss to have someone to care about me and just me!

♥ Pikachu a.k.a Pokemon

This is so cute~ Aww~ 

Things I wanna do before I'm too old to do so

1. Cosplay

2. Flings 

3. Something really crazy

Nah... Just saying~ I'm too gutless!

Oh my, oh my, I'm so embarrassed reading what I wrote! But even tweet-land is unsafe for me to write about my feelings~ So, this is like the only place left! Thank god I'm not popular! Hee~ ♥