Thursday 1 December 2011

Random #3~ ♥

Yo peeps~!
Sorry, but I'm so so so lazy to post about my trip!
There are tonnes of photos! OMG!
I dunno which to choose! There're tonnes of food photos too! XD

I'm going China this Saturday! Unbelievable!
I still wanna stone and rot at home!
I don't want to go now!
China is so cold now, and I got nothing to wear!
How great is that!?!!

Result will be out on Sunday! Efff!
I really can't wait actually!
Please please please don't fail me!

Guess what I received last Tuesday!

Tadaa~ Godiva!

They taste so goooood! Haha!

Thank you so much! Heehee! You made my day!
I know you took a lot of troubles to get this delivered to me!
Thanks a lot a lot!