Thursday 24 January 2008

Sick Again.. 2nd Times In A Month!!

Huge Lion Head.. At Time Square..
This time went to Time Square,
I don't get chance to take photo with TXL again..
Haiz.. T.T

5D Notice Board.. XD

The hard work of all 5D girls.. Haha..

Strawberry Sundae.. Yum..

Ah Po Shoe..

Shoes at Connaught Pasar Malam is much better than Time Square..

Didn't buy anything at Time Square AGAIN..

Sick Sick Sick!!

Again and AGAIN..!!

Why I'm always sick?!!

It is only the first month of 2008!!! Hell!!

I had been listening to what Ng Tong Hua teaching..

Good girl.. XD

Yesterday my body temperature is terrible!!

The doctor shocked when he touched my forehead yesterday..

I'm so afraid that I will become insane become of the fever damage my brain..

Lala said may be won't become stupid but clever..

haha.. Ridiculous..

I'm a cold blooded + warm blooded animal!!

Yesterday in class I was shivering with cold..

The fan on too high and no building that can block the wind from coming in the class..

My hands and fingers were so cold but my tummy and forehead were so hot..

That's why I call myself cold + warm blooded animal!!

New species..

I had a really weird dream yesterday..

In dreamland, I saw huge dog!!

HUGE DOG buried alive by human!!

That dog is about the size of the lorry..!!


They buried it in front of Yu Hua..


Actually I got lots more to blog..

But the idea just suddenly disappear out of my brain..

Felt so dizzy.. May be is because of the effect of medicine..

I hate medicine..

I'm so afraid that I will choke to death because of the tablets stuck in the middle of my throat..

Everytime I go consult the doctor, he will ask me whether I want big tablet or small...

The answer will be forever small.. XD

Yesterday, in the consultation room..

The doctor asked..

Doc : Are you a small girl or a big girl?

Me : Small girl.. XD

The doctor even wanted to give me vitamin..

Those sweet vitamin that is for kids.. =.="

My grandma come today, to attent somebody's wedding..

Make me tomorrow have to stay in Kajang from 8am until 3.30pm..

Sure very tiring.. T.T

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