Friday 3 July 2009

College Life..? =)

I shifted in! This is my writing table.. The one with a lot of empty space..
Lots of my stuff still haven't bring there yet..
A lot of stuff to buy also..
Like table lamp, etc etc..
I don't have difficulty in falling asleep..
Because was too tired on last Thursday.. My first night there..
Now I'm at home..
Not planning to bring my laptop there yet..
Because I will only use them on weekend and I will come home at weekend so don't have to bring laptop there to distract myself..
It's a good thing.. No distraction at all!
My bed is the one in the middle.. Beatrice ( Hsu-yi )'s bed is the one beside the window..
So tidy, neat!
When I first enter the room, a sweet smelling smell come out from the room...
Ah~ So damn nice man...
I have decided next time my future leng leng room must put one of those sweet smelling thingy.. I call it room perfume.. Whatever la.. I dunno what it call..
The room is very very clean.. =)
The house.. Erm, not so clean lo.. Everyone step here and there with their shoe on de..
There is a housekeeper to clean the toilets and bathrooms.. =)
You won't know how happy I'm!
The bathrooms and toilets are very very clean..
The housekeeper clean them every single day.. Wakaka!
There are fringe and washing machine in.. But I don't need the washing machine, coz I will bring all my dirty clothes back..
Won't wash myself there..
My closet.. o.O
Actually it is almost full by now.. Too many things to put in.. XD
Basically the condo is ok la.. Satisfied..
I'm going back there this Sunday night I think..
To move in my things and settle everything..

1st of July.. Mandy's birthday..
The day I checked in my condo.. XD
Too many things happen at lately..
We bought her donuts and cakes!!
She was very surprise because she thought that we all had forgotten..
Ms.Kala, our Chemistry lecturer was involve in that plan too..
Spare us 15minutes for the party.. XD
She was really excited.. o.O
Mandy . Me
We forced her to wear that, erm.. hat? XD
I bought it.. XD
So cute! XD
Farewell party..?
Ice Lemon Tea.. XD
Nelson . Yuan Ning . Mandy . Me . Hui Min
Two classmates of us get jpa.. So they're leaving..
Actually they left.. The outing was 2 weeks ago..
Last Wednesday another friend left for jpa also.. So sad!!
I'm ignoring Yuan Ning..
So bad of her tag every single ugly photo of mine in facebook.. T.T
We were acting like the monsters in the poster..XD
I was acting as that blue jelly monster..
We watched Monster VS Alien.. So sampat.. Haha..
We saw Mr.Leonard!!
So zdao!!
He is my mentor now!
What a nightmare man, what a nightmare...
He is the one who gonna write my testi.. Omg..
How could this be?!
The Group Photo..

Goodbye Ms.See.. ='(
We made her card.. She left us.. Wuwuwuw.. T.T
She was the best teacher ever!
Because of we complain to the director ( Dr.Wong ) about our Pure Maths lecturer, Mr.Stefan Tan ( odd name )
So Dr.Wong found us a new lecturer from Taylor..
But she is taking over both Statistic and Pure Maths..
So.. Ms.See have to go..
Our new Statistic and Pure Maths lecturer is Ms.Yap..
She is quite nice.. I like her also..
At least she is pro.. Not like tat Stefan Tan.. Can't understand a single word he say..

The Class Group Photo.. again..
I love my class.. =)

PS : Gonna be very very extremely busy.. Will try to update twice a month..

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