Too many to blog..
I want to do this once and for all..
So that I can play my facebook game - Pet society...
Addicted!! XD
.Today got a Schorlarship Award Ceremony in my college...
Those of us who receive a scholarship have to attend it..
My Gosh.. Damn bored...
Parents and friends all have to sit separately..
Pity my mum sit alone..
My dad la.. He forgot about it and went dunno where with his boss..
Abandon my mum...
Damn boring man that ceremony..
We were forced to go!
Or else they won't give us the scholarship..
Kononnya la..
Everyone was afraid so we had to go..
.Another Michelle.. Haha... Michelle Soong.. One alphabet different with Mic.
They gave the cert to us one by one on stage..
OMG! There was 700 over students from all sort of programmes..
We had to wait so long..
After that we were forced to squeeze to take photo..
What the heck..
They kept on saying we have to stay back for this photo session or else we won't get our scholarship...
700 plus people man...
How to squeeze?!!!
OMG! They had to arrange us all that..
The high heels were killing me at that time..
So damn pissed...
Today suddenly feel like the college is so big...
Have to walk to far and I feel like my legs were breaking..
They insisted us to wear formal...
Some kind of performance...
Malaysian singer...
I can't understand a word that came out of her mouth...
Not that I look down on her...
But.. Really I can't understand a single word!
My cert...
Malaysian singer...
I can't understand a word that came out of her mouth...
Not that I look down on her...
But.. Really I can't understand a single word!
After the ceremony the they got prepare lunch for us...
So my mum and I ate at there...
Not bad the food..
Free Lunch... Who say this world do not have free lunch? XD
I got my tennis racket already!!
Get it from bonuslink point...
I joined Tennis Club in college...
Very very fun!
They got a proper coach to teach us..
RM25 per month...
Going sing k with my college friend on Monday... =)